Phone: 757-817-6532
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Contact Mrs. Luck
Contact Mrs. Luck
My Pledge to Students:
If you are having trouble or have a question you can always send an e-mail, message or text me anytime, or you can call me for a quick answer. I am happy to help you and I always enjoy hearing from you.
If you have a specific question about one of your assignments it will help if you include the name of the book, page number, and measure number if you can.
Here's how to contact me:
Call or Text -
Email -
[email protected]
Use Messenger from the
Luck Studios Facebook Page
Use the Quick Contact Form below:
Indicates required field
First Name
Phone Number
Email - if you want me to email back instead of call
Choose Any (or none) that apply
I practiced today. :)
I lost my assignment sheet.
I have a question about an assignment.
How much wood can a woodchuck chuck?
Please call me.